Category Archives: Button Napkin Bib

Dine A Nap™ Wrapped Buttonhole Bib Napkin

Dine A Nap™ Wrapped Buttonhole Bib Napkin is the perfect disposable bib napkin amenity to offer your guests when dining at your establishment.Versatile for any hospitality or food service operation. Helps prevent those embarrassing stains from accidental drops, drips, and spills on clothing. Each has discreet instructions for use. Nice 2-ply napkin with a moisture […]

Button Napkin Bib Makes A Perfect Gift

A most practical product or gift for anyone, Dispose A Nap Button Travel Bib Napkin. Clothes stain protection and prevention on the go. Have you accidentally spilled, dribbled, dropped food or drink while driving, in a restaurant, or even at home on your shirt or blouse? Then a clothing stain, perhaps in public? Now you […]